Just a few days after news about Baby Rico broke among bloggers and other AIDS dissident outlets last week, AIDS researchers scrambled to find a way to push a very different story to the top of the corporate news chain this morning. “Baby Cured of AIDS” scream the headlines. No need to repeat all the […more]
After meeting with my orthomolecular doctor last month to update him on my current status, and to discuss the goals I hope to accomplish this year, I found myself sitting in a chair in the laboratory draw station, waiting for Brad, the phlebotomist, to prepare all the paperwork necessary for the long list of tests […more]
I am getting sicker by the minute, after reading a story of horrific abuse of power by the medical establishment that broke early this morning. Tragedy has stricken a newborn infant, being held in the hospital affiliated with the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minnesota. A court ordered that Rico Martinez Nagel be removed from his […more]
I mentioned in my last post that I frequently get messages from people, asking about something I’ve shared, or sharing their own story. A few days ago, I received just such an email from a person I’ve never met, but who I’ve come to know fairly well online, and we continued the exchange through yesterday. […more]
Today is Valentine’s Day, and I am sitting in a motel room in Wichita, Kansas, pondering: how do I dare ask friends, family and strangers to give me money so I can continue to experiment with alternative health therapies? The painful answer is: I have no choice, but to try. I left KC at 4 […more]
During our last office visit a couple of months ago, the infectious disease specialist I am now seeing repeatedly referred to “The Guidelines”, as if they were some kind of Holy Grail for treating her patients. The guidelines she was referring to are actually several documents, published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human […more]
Here’s another short outtake from the pre-show walkthrough that John Grosso and I had in a G+ Hangout On Air (HOA) earlier this week for tomorrow evening’s Rainbow Show. Live stream begins at 7 pm CST. Please drop in to view the show live, and ask questions via the comment stream on YouTube or Google+. The […more]
Remember when Google+ was launched more than a year ago to compete in the social networking arena with giants like Facebook? You don’t? Well, you’re not alone. Despite our love/hate relationship with Facebook, few of us who had grown accustomed to that place could find the time and energy to embrace yet another site for […more]
It has taken me more than two weeks to edit and transcribe a nearly two hour conversation I had with Professor Marco Ruggiero earlier this month. Ruggiero was the keynote speaker at the 2012 Riordan IVC and Cancer Symposium, held in Wichita, Kansas earlier this month. Marco graciously sat in front of my webcam on […more]
Some readers have asked what effect the ARVs are having on my CD4 and PCR (“viral load”) markers. I’ve updated the charts I’ve kept since 1998 with the latest results, up through July 24, 2012. You can also find these and other medical records by clicking on the “attachments” tab at the top of the […more]