Under Construction – NOT!

 Posted by on December 28, 2009 at 11:33 am
Dec 282009

Is this site still is under construction?

YIKES!  I think and hope that I may have just redirected my blog from wordpress.com to my own domain. If successful, this move will not affect any regular readers, but you should note the new URL, update your browsers’ favorites, bookmarks, or whatever you call them. Secondly, hit one of the “subscribe” buttons in the frame on the right.  Even if you subscribed at the other site, do it again here, just in case.  You wouldn’t want to miss a post, right?

Check out the drop-down features and please tell me if the rotating “feature posts” are distracting, or make the place look “too busy”.  Also let me know what you think about any other aspect of the new digs.  I already know the color is rather “bright”.  It hasn’t been easy to color-coordinate with my “somos uno” logo/avatar.

This is exciting for me in a way only the geekier among you might understand.  I continue to learn and to grow in this technological world.  Should I call that exciting?  Or frightening?!

You tell me.  Comments are open (and yes, moderated).

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