Fear of the Invisible & Alive and Well SF websites restored

 Posted by on January 4, 2014 at 9:22 pm
Jan 042014

collage book cover - Fear of the InvisibleTwo websites that I have spent a lot of time at and have referred to repeatedly in the past disappeared last year when their domain registrations expired. I tried to rescue one of the domains, but someone else outbid me (which wasn’t hard to do). Fortunately, I had made copies of the sites to a local drive and they are once again in the public domain and searchable by Google, Yahoo and other search engines.

Fear of the Invisible

Janine Roberts may well be my favorite investigative reporter on the topic of AIDS and HIV. She is an accomplished writer who has published several books and produced documentary films, on topics ranging from Aboriginal resistance to British colonialism in Australia, to the shame of deBeers’ diamond mining operations in Africa. A comprehensive list of those works can be found here.

Janine has also written the much more personal story about her life as a transgendered person—The Seven Days of My Creation: Tales of Magic and Gender. That book is now out-of-print according to Amazon, and I can’t find another source for it on Robert’s website, but I’d love to get a copy of it. The more I learn about her, the more fascinated I become.

Janine Roberts holds a Masters in Theology, a Summa cum Laude in Philosophy and a BSc in Sociology. Ordained a Catholic priest in 1967, she studied at the LSE and worked on soup runs for the homeless. When she left the Church, Mother Teresa of Calcutta visited but failed to persuade her to return. The author then resolved her gender identity issue while working in the Outback with Aborigines – and has never ceased to see herself as engaged in sacred work.

Now, before those of you who are averse to “woo-woo” click away, please read on. Roberts is a serious writer who excels at citing sources for her work. The book that has most helped me form an alternative view about what the heck HIV might really be, and its role in the disease most people call AIDS is titled Fear of the Invisibleavailable at Amazon.

Part of the book also takes the readers on a journey through various aspects of HIV theory, such as sexual transmission, the different clinical definitions of AIDS, why AIDS is said to be caused by HIV and at the same time is said by our governments to happen in the absence of HIV, and why the HIV test picks up on different diseases in the West from in Africa. It is all heavily scientifically referenced.

In the final part is reported recent research that is revolutionizing biology and offering much hope for the future. These new developments shed new light on the relationships between our cells and viruses. They are not necessarily enemies. Readers may find these new developments will radically change the ideas they have held about viruses all their lives.

That last sentence has proven to be an understatement for me. It is towards the end of this book that Roberts really starts to hone in on some of the most fascinating evidence I have ever seen about what might be going on in patients with chronic illness and immune system collapse. I can’t really do it justice with a paraphrase, and if you’re intrigue about what the microbiologists are discovering—as opposed to virologists—thanks to Janine’s generosity you can read an excerpt about the role of retrotranspons in cellular functioning. I will tempt readers with this tidbit though:

Cells do not only make internal transports. We now know that they also make particles that travel through ‘extra-cellular space’ to other cells, not to ‘perniciously infect’ them, but to pass information to them. We are multi-cellular organisms and inter-cell communication is absolutely vital to us. An adult human contains approximately 100,000 billion cells and for us to survive, these must ‘talk’ to one another, learn from each other, share and cooperate.

A cell can transform its retrotransposons, give them the ability to travel between cells with their variable load of genetic codes, make them retroviruses, by simply appending to each an additional piece of code.  An ‘intracellular, non-infectious retrotransposon’ becomes ‘a budding, infectious retrovirus merely by appending a retroviral MA domain.’ This may well be how retroviruses first evolved.

They leave their home cell by ‘budding’ from it.  On arrival at another cell, the codes they carry are incorporated into that cell’s DNA – and with this these retroviruses as such cease to exist. They have served their function. They are strictly one-use vehicles. Our genome has been thus constructed in part from codes created by other cells over a very long period of time. In other words, this system is vital to evolution.

Retroviruses can carry a wide variety of messages. ‘Retroviral particles contain a variety of cellular RNA’s’. The scientists who noted this, added that these  ‘are presumed to be packaged fortuitously during virion [virus] assembly.’ But this is only a presumption made because the authors did not see a reason for the presence of these codes.   I would ask if the ‘parent’ cell put these RNAs into retroviruses to have them taken as cargo to other cells?

Unfortunately, Janine suffered a stroke in 2010, and has apparently been waging her own struggle to recover since then. One unintended consequence was that the domain fearoftheinvisible.com expired and her wonderfully informative website disappeared from the Internet. Though copies can still be found in the Wayback Machine, major search engines have stopped indexing this information.

After several attempts to contact Janine, I have taken the liberty of restoring fearoftheinvisible.com to a subdirectory of reAIDS.com. The reproduction of the site is imperfect, but it seems that all of the essential information has successfully transferred. Any concerns, requests or information regarding this decision can be sent to me via this site’s contact form.

a&wsfAlive and Well San Francisco!

Another website that frequently gets cited is Alive and Well San Francisco! The site has a timeline of AIDS dissent; an extensive research library linking to source documents; and most notably, considerable discussion and explanation of the research presented in Dr. Heinrich Kremer’s book: The Silent Revolution in Cancer and AIDS Medicine, a daunting tome that few laypeople I know have been able to digest thoroughly.

Kremer’s work seems to dovetail nicely with The Perth Group’s theory of oxidative stress, though Kremer presents his information from a practical clinical perspective. There is ongoing clinical application of this concept, called Cell Symbiosis Therapy being practiced in Germany by Dr. Ralf Meyer, as well as other practitioners in Europe. I’m not aware of anyone testing this protocol in the Western Hemisphere.

Similar story for A&WSF, in that the domain expired. Fortunately, I had contact information for the owner and have received his permission to archive the valuable content here on reAIDS. Same disclaimer: these sites were downloaded and restored with third-party software. The results are imperfect, but they do work for the most part.

  2 Responses to “Fear of the Invisible & Alive and Well SF websites restored”


    THANK YOU so much for all your valuable work!!


    Fear of the invisible is a great book. Must read!

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