Fear of the Invisible & Alive and Well SF websites restored

 Posted by on January 4, 2014 at 9:22 pm
Jan 042014
Fear of the Invisible & Alive and Well SF websites restored

Janine Roberts may well be my favorite investigative reporter on the topic of AIDS and HIV. She has published several books and produced documentary films, on topics ranging from Aboriginal resistance to British colonialism in Australia, to the shame of deBeers’ diamond mining operations in Africa.

Janine has also written the much more personal story about her life as a transgendered person—The Seven Days of My Creation: Tales of Magic and Gender

The book that has most helped me form an alternative view about what the heck HIV might really be, and its role in the disease most people call AIDS is titled Fear of the Invisible.

Planting memes

 Posted by on March 13, 2013 at 11:14 am
Mar 132013
Planting memes

Rarely a day goes by that I do not scan the headlines collected from various blogs and sources by Google Reader. Smashing a recent lull in AIDS news, some pretty outrageous headlines have been breaking through lately. Last week, it was Baby AZeTa, the little girl in Mississippi who researchers claimed was cured of AIDS […more]

When trolls attack: an open letter to “Dora”

 Posted by on March 21, 2012 at 7:14 am
Mar 212012
When trolls attack: an open letter to "Dora"

Dear Dora,

You and your ARV-loving friends at the HIVforum (Italian language forum for HIV-positives) might want to have your medications checked. Your latest public attack on a respected and admired researcher is nothing, if not irrational.

When did you decide that you can speak for all of us who have AIDS, or who test positive for HIV?

Your recent rant against University of Firenze (Italy) professor Marco Ruggiero, as reported at The Truth Barrier, is amazingly ill-conceived, malicious and detrimental to the well-being of all of us who are living with illness and HIV, and I am compelled to call you out.

You have accused Ruggiero of advertising for patients to experiment with his probiotic yogurt, and you have claimed that he is putting people with HIV disease at risk by suggesting they not take their AIDS drugs. You offer no evidence that either of these allegations are true, while I can, and will, provide evidence that in fact, the opposite is the case.

Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it*

 Posted by on January 27, 2010 at 12:22 pm
Jan 272010
Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it*

The Canadian Broadcasting Center (CBC) is doing what the mainstream media does so well for AIDS apologists:  repeating inaccurate headlines without reading or thinking: Premature Aging of the Brain Seen in HIV Patients That is simply not what this study reports, and I blogged about it just a few days ago here. It is pretty […more]

Rethinking AIDS Day

 Posted by on April 23, 2009 at 5:45 am
Apr 232009
Rethinking AIDS Day

April 23 is Rethinking AIDS Day. Good thing someone decided such a day is needed, because I’ve been  procrastinating and struggling to write the “AIDS Dissidence 101” post for Open Salon, where I also blog, that several people there have requested for quite some time now. One of the biggest problem I’ve encountered is trying […more]

Marketing AID$ is big bucks (updated)

 Posted by on March 6, 2009 at 8:44 am
Mar 062009
Marketing AID$ is big bucks (updated)

It is not just about saving lives or finding a cure. It’s very much about making money, and AIDS treatments have long been considered a global marketing opportunity. Mainstream AIDS proponents hate to have this issue brought up and would like to pretend that no one is getting rich from the current test-everyone-and-give-them-drugs public health […more]

More cause for questioning

 Posted by on January 15, 2009 at 8:10 am
Jan 152009
More cause for questioning

After writing yesterday’s post, I came across  this article in the New York Review of Books, written by Marcia Angell, former editor of no less than the New England Journal of Medicine, currently  Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School. In this must read, entitled “Drug Companies & Doctors: A […more]

Cause(s) for questioning AIDS

 Posted by on January 14, 2009 at 10:41 am
Jan 142009
Cause(s) for questioning AIDS

There may be some points of disagreement among us dissidents, and that’s fine. One thing I think most of us would agree on is that the current guidelines for treatment of There may be some points of disagreement among us dissidents, and that’s fine. One thing I think most of us would agree on is points

“HIV-disease” (or “AIDS” or “HIV-positive” or “HIV/AIDS”, or whatever they start calling it next month) is toxic, harmful and dangerously unsustainable in the long run. ARVs (Anti-Retrovirals) are even starting to be used illicitly for their “hallucinogenic and relaxing effect” in some quarters of the world.

Likewise, the AIDS mainstream is certainly less than monolithic in their views. There is a lack of agreement among them about how HIV causes immune suppression, or even how HIV came into existence for that matter. One thing they all do seem to agree on is how essential it is that every Poz person take drugs to extend their life. Virtually every website devoted to “HIV/AIDS” (The Body, AIDSMeds, AEGiS, to name just a few) is replete with articles, messages and advertising promoting “compliance”, as well as tips, blogs and discussion groups to address the inevitable “side effects”, which should more accurately be referred to as “direct effects”.

I once belonged to that AIDS mainstream