Marketing AID$ is big bucks (updated)

 Posted by on March 6, 2009 at 8:44 am
Mar 062009
Marketing AID$ is big bucks (updated)

It is not just about saving lives or finding a cure. It’s very much about making money, and AIDS treatments have long been considered a global marketing opportunity. Mainstream AIDS proponents hate to have this issue brought up and would like to pretend that no one is getting rich from the current test-everyone-and-give-them-drugs public health […more]

“Reduce the burden” is focus of new website

 Posted by on February 27, 2009 at 7:32 am
Feb 272009
"Reduce the burden" is focus of new website

There is a new website online for those questioning the mainstream AIDS hypothesis, and I’m impressed. is a veritable warehouse of research documentation from dozens, perhaps hundreds of sources ranging from Natural News to the AP, challenging the status quo about AIDS and making it a bookmark site for anyone confronting a chronic disease. […more]

How I became a Taliban

 Posted by on February 22, 2009 at 9:07 am
Feb 222009
How I became a Taliban

I confess. Lock me up, torture me and ship me off to some lawless land so you can shove embers under my fingernails and then stone me until I’m dead. I deserve that and worse. Maybe my corpse should be dragged across a stony field for good measure, the remains left for scavengers and vermin. […more]

Cause(s) for questioning AIDS

 Posted by on January 14, 2009 at 10:41 am
Jan 142009
Cause(s) for questioning AIDS

There may be some points of disagreement among us dissidents, and that’s fine. One thing I think most of us would agree on is that the current guidelines for treatment of There may be some points of disagreement among us dissidents, and that’s fine. One thing I think most of us would agree on is points

“HIV-disease” (or “AIDS” or “HIV-positive” or “HIV/AIDS”, or whatever they start calling it next month) is toxic, harmful and dangerously unsustainable in the long run. ARVs (Anti-Retrovirals) are even starting to be used illicitly for their “hallucinogenic and relaxing effect” in some quarters of the world.

Likewise, the AIDS mainstream is certainly less than monolithic in their views. There is a lack of agreement among them about how HIV causes immune suppression, or even how HIV came into existence for that matter. One thing they all do seem to agree on is how essential it is that every Poz person take drugs to extend their life. Virtually every website devoted to “HIV/AIDS” (The Body, AIDSMeds, AEGiS, to name just a few) is replete with articles, messages and advertising promoting “compliance”, as well as tips, blogs and discussion groups to address the inevitable “side effects”, which should more accurately be referred to as “direct effects”.

I once belonged to that AIDS mainstream