Confessions of a heretic AIDS dissident

 Posted by on April 11, 2012 at 6:36 am
Apr 112012
Confessions of a heretic AIDS dissident

You might not know it from reading the comments left here on my blog, but there are more than a few AIDS dissidents who really don’t like how I think or what I write about.

There’s a whole thread on a very popular Facebook page called “Rethinking AIDS”, discussing my open letter to Dora. Last I looked, that thread had nearly 100 comments, and very few of those comments were about Dora, Ruggiero or the defense of academic freedom.

No, the gist of the thread was whether or not I am in “the AIDS Zone.” It seems that because I did not use “air quotes” around the term “HIV disease”, I’m not really an AIDS dissident. Others took issue with my post for daring to publish that some AIDS Rethinkers hold a very narrow view about “HIV” and “AIDS”, while others of us are merely “questioning” the whole affair. None of them chose to comment directly to me here.

Some of the most visible and vocal Rethinkers seem intent on imposing their own “beliefs” (another loaded term that deserves quotes) on the entire movement. There has long been a tendency to try to impose a sort of litmus test to determine whether or not one is a true “AIDS dissident”.

Since I first met the AIDS dissident community via the AIDS Myth Exposed forums—since renamed Questioning AIDS—several years ago, I’ve become aware of several of the various factions, distinctive personalities and divisions within that broad group. Now I’m finding it ironic just how guilty some of these people are at their own version of “bone-pointing”.

On my way to the forums…

 Posted by on March 25, 2012 at 2:13 pm
Mar 252012
On my way to the forums...

I previously reported that the recent attacks on Marco Ruggiero’s academic freedom have been instigated, at least in part, by a known Internet troll who goes by various names, including “Snout”. Most of us involved in AIDS questioning are familiar with this nom de plume. Snout is a frequent contributor to comment threads all over the Internet, as a simple Google search will yield well over 2 million hits for “snout + aids + denialists”. Snout also blogs at a site called Reckless Endangerment, which has an Alexa website ranking of about 25M; in other words, he has very few followers, especially considering his tenacity.

Talking to my inner self – Part 1

 Posted by on December 16, 2011 at 11:17 am
Dec 162011
Talking to my inner self - Part 1

As I have reported previously, high dose intravenous vitamin C seems to improve my energy, my mood and my sense of well-being, if not the laboratory markers often associated with HIV and AIDS. Because the infusions are so expensive, I was intrigued by the possibility of preparing my own IV sodium ascorbate ala Dr. Robert […more]

What really happened to Emery Taylor?

 Posted by on February 28, 2011 at 2:21 pm
Feb 282011
What really happened to Emery Taylor?

Note:  I’d like to welcome those of you visiting this site from the forums at  This may be the first time that a mainstream AIDS site has referred to this blog as a “clear-eyed ‘alternative hypothesis’ site,” and I’m flattered.  Given that, I hope you will look around a bit. A good place to […more]

Denying the AIDStream

 Posted by on January 20, 2011 at 5:48 am
Jan 202011
Denying the AIDStream

Some of my AIDS dissident friends reject outright the tests used by mainstream AIDS (AIDStream) doctors to evaluate ‘HIV-positive’ patients and to determine if and when to start treating them with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), more commonly known as the “AIDS cocktail” of drugs.  While I agree with them that we can’t know for […more]

Sucking lemons

 Posted by on November 20, 2010 at 8:21 pm
Nov 202010
Sucking lemons

Kali and Bella are not impressed with the ER doctor’s compression bandage on my neck. I call it my hijab. I have sure been having second thoughts lately about publicly revealing so much about what’s going on with my health.  It was  pretty easy to write and blog when my health was improving and things […more]

“HIV” still causes EVERYTHING – part 2

 Posted by on November 13, 2010 at 8:00 pm
Nov 132010
"HIV" still causes EVERYTHING - part 2

I had my first parotid cyst at least 25 years ago, long before I ever tested “positive”. I blogged in March about being diagnosed with Bell’s palsy, presumably caused by “HIV”, simply because I tested positive. About that same time I began to experience what I thought were “swollen glands”, a condition I frequently had […more]