The end of AZT?

 Posted by on March 9, 2013 at 9:39 am
Mar 092013
The end of AZT?

As I spend time this week with one of my dearest friends, a man who has been HIV-positive since at least 1987, and who has been on ARVs almost continuously since 1990, I am reminded that Affecteds have always had the option to consider alternatives to conventional pharmaceutical treatment. Last night we recalled some of […more]

AIDS Drug Treatment Guidelines: Deify or Defy?

 Posted by on February 4, 2013 at 12:06 am
Feb 042013
AIDS Drug Treatment Guidelines: Deify or Defy?

During our last office visit a couple of months ago, the infectious disease specialist I am now seeing repeatedly referred to “The Guidelines”, as if they were some kind of Holy Grail for treating her patients. The guidelines she was referring to are actually several documents, published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human […more]