Save Rico

 Posted by on February 28, 2013 at 9:49 am
Feb 282013
Save Rico

I am getting sicker by the minute, after reading a story of horrific abuse of power by the medical establishment that broke early this morning. Tragedy has stricken a newborn infant, being held in the hospital affiliated with the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minnesota. A court ordered that Rico Martinez Nagel be removed from his […more]

AIDS Drug Treatment Guidelines: Deify or Defy?

 Posted by on February 4, 2013 at 12:06 am
Feb 042013
AIDS Drug Treatment Guidelines: Deify or Defy?

During our last office visit a couple of months ago, the infectious disease specialist I am now seeing repeatedly referred to “The Guidelines”, as if they were some kind of Holy Grail for treating her patients. The guidelines she was referring to are actually several documents, published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human […more]