Jan 312013
Just another tease

Here’s another short outtake from the pre-show walkthrough that John Grosso and I had in a G+ Hangout On Air (HOA) earlier this week for tomorrow evening’s Rainbow Show. Live stream begins at 7 pm CST.     Please drop in to view the show live, and ask questions via the comment stream on YouTube or Google+. The […more]

Hang out with me on Friday

 Posted by on January 30, 2013 at 2:12 pm
Jan 302013
Hang out with me on Friday

Remember when Google+ was launched more than a year ago to compete in the social networking arena with giants like Facebook? You don’t?  Well, you’re not alone. Despite our love/hate relationship with Facebook, few of us who had grown accustomed to that place could find the time and energy to embrace yet another site for […more]