Talking to my inner self – Part 1

 Posted by on December 16, 2011 at 11:17 am
Dec 162011
Talking to my inner self - Part 1

As I have reported previously, high dose intravenous vitamin C seems to improve my energy, my mood and my sense of well-being, if not the laboratory markers often associated with HIV and AIDS. Because the infusions are so expensive, I was intrigued by the possibility of preparing my own IV sodium ascorbate ala Dr. Robert […more]

Denying the AIDStream

 Posted by on January 20, 2011 at 5:48 am
Jan 202011
Denying the AIDStream

Some of my AIDS dissident friends reject outright the tests used by mainstream AIDS (AIDStream) doctors to evaluate ‘HIV-positive’ patients and to determine if and when to start treating them with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), more commonly known as the “AIDS cocktail” of drugs.  While I agree with them that we can’t know for […more]

Pharmaceutical solutions to AIDS are not enough

 Posted by on September 29, 2010 at 2:51 am
Sep 292010
Pharmaceutical solutions to AIDS are not enough

A recent phone conversation with a friend is helping me to continue to refine what I want to focus on as an AIDS dissident activist. In a passionate outburst that revealed a new side of his character, he blurted out his dismay that our society in general and our gay community in particular seems to be willing to settle for a solution to AIDS that relies exclusively on drugs from the pharmaceutical industry.

Creating & Healing AIDS—a pozitive affirmation

 Posted by on September 20, 2010 at 1:45 pm
Sep 202010
Creating & Healing AIDS—a pozitive affirmation

The notion that HIV exists is a farce. When energy is not able to move freely through your chakras (energy centers in the body that generate your physical form), illness can result. Negative thinking causes blockages in energy moving through the body which can lead to physical manifestations of disease in your body. Illness is […more]

Practicing while under the influence of Pharma

 Posted by on July 8, 2010 at 8:44 pm
Jul 082010
Practicing while under the influence of Pharma

(image courtesy of The Ethical Nag) Just how much are physicians influenced by pharmaceutical reps bearing gifts? It’s a question recently posed in this report on Medscape, based on posts at a physician-only discussion group. The original question seems simple enough: “Are you influenced by the ads on paper and pens?” It was asked by […more]

How about those HERVs?

 Posted by on June 3, 2010 at 8:00 am
Jun 032010
How about those HERVs?

Could it be that we are getting closer to a (more) unified alternative explanation for what causes “AIDS”?  There are several recently published articles, as well as conversations between the authors, that just may prove to be the impetus for such a epiphany. This is not about some startling new discovery.  It is the work […more]