Four years on — Gilead gets its way

 Posted by on November 19, 2014 at 5:01 pm
Nov 192014
Four years on — Gilead gets its way

What troubles me is the apparent willingness of an entire community to consider embracing Truvada as some sort of symbol of sexual freedom… evidenced by charges that those of us who are skeptical are guilty of being sex-negative and “slut-shaming”.

All of this on the basis of research that has been manipulated and twisted by Gilead to create a false reality of safety.

I’m resigned to the fact that Truvada as PrEP is here, regardless of what I or others fear. Now it’s mostly a question of time to see it PrEP meets the expectations of sexually active gay men…. and Gilead shareholders. The former is yet to be proven; the latter is a foregone conclusion.