Planting memes

 Posted by on March 13, 2013 at 11:14 am
Mar 132013
Planting memes

Rarely a day goes by that I do not scan the headlines collected from various blogs and sources by Google Reader. Smashing a recent lull in AIDS news, some pretty outrageous headlines have been breaking through lately. Last week, it was Baby AZeTa, the little girl in Mississippi who researchers claimed was cured of AIDS […more]

The end of AZT?

 Posted by on March 9, 2013 at 9:39 am
Mar 092013
The end of AZT?

As I spend time this week with one of my dearest friends, a man who has been HIV-positive since at least 1987, and who has been on ARVs almost continuously since 1990, I am reminded that Affecteds have always had the option to consider alternatives to conventional pharmaceutical treatment. Last night we recalled some of […more]

A tale of two AIDS babies

 Posted by on March 4, 2013 at 12:40 pm
Mar 042013
A tale of two AIDS babies

Just a few days after news about Baby Rico broke among bloggers and other AIDS dissident outlets last week, AIDS researchers scrambled to find a way to push a very different story to the top of the corporate news chain this morning.  “Baby Cured of AIDS” scream the headlines. No need to repeat all the […more]