UPDATE 01/05/2013: This blog post was remove for period of time because the archived website mentioned below has been removed from public view and the link is not longer active. You can read more here.
I guess I’m not the only person who has missed J Todd DeShong’s great blog, dissidents4dumbees. It is often referred to fondly in the comment threads at Seth Kalichman’s blog, Denying AIDS and other oddities. In fact, that’s where JTD and all of the anonymous gang members who used to populate D4D’s comment threads now hang out:
AnonymousFeb 14, 2012 06:41 AMYes,you should bring D4D back,JTD,it was a fine blog
AnonymousFeb 20, 2012 07:06 AMBring back D4D! The denialists hated it and Todd’s repartee is sorely missed.
Good news, guys… D4D is back! A complete archive of all the posts and comments that helped launch DeShong as one of the few anti-dissident trolls who was actually willing to use his real name is now online at dissidents4dumbees.com (dead link).