Pharmaceutical solutions to AIDS are not enough

 Posted by on September 29, 2010 at 2:51 am
Sep 292010
Pharmaceutical solutions to AIDS are not enough

A recent phone conversation with a friend is helping me to continue to refine what I want to focus on as an AIDS dissident activist. In a passionate outburst that revealed a new side of his character, he blurted out his dismay that our society in general and our gay community in particular seems to be willing to settle for a solution to AIDS that relies exclusively on drugs from the pharmaceutical industry.

Breathe. Focus. Balance.

 Posted by on September 27, 2010 at 9:53 am
Sep 272010
Breathe. Focus. Balance.

(photo by: JuanJ) I admit that I am an erratic blogger.  When I started writing again a couple of years ago after a nearly decade-long break, there was a lot of pent-up inspiration to produce posts regularly.  What exactly I wanted to write about has taken a few turns along the way as well, but […more]

Creating & Healing AIDS—a pozitive affirmation

 Posted by on September 20, 2010 at 1:45 pm
Sep 202010
Creating & Healing AIDS—a pozitive affirmation

The notion that HIV exists is a farce. When energy is not able to move freely through your chakras (energy centers in the body that generate your physical form), illness can result. Negative thinking causes blockages in energy moving through the body which can lead to physical manifestations of disease in your body. Illness is […more]