I have been enjoying a break from blogging and Internet obsession for a few weeks, tending to a garden and some home improvement projects instead. My energy and mood have been better than they have been for years, and I’ve even got a couple of new DVT blood clots in my left leg as a result of all this physical activity to prove it, but that’s not what I’m going to write about today.
One of my most loyal followers (stalker would be the more accurate term) simply can’t stand for me not to post and has been haranguing me via the comments section, prompting me to dredge up an old, unpublished post from the drafts folder and updating it. I apologize in advance that it isn’t what some of you want to read here.
I received two responses to a post I wrote in January that could be considered attempts at intimidation, if not threats. They were definitely disturbing, as they could only come from an angry and disturbed mind. I considered publicizing them then, but chose not to give my stalker the publicity he is craving.
In the months since then, I have received a number of similarly very disconcerting comments, and I have now decided to make them all public. When one is pursued by an obsessive stalker, it just doesn’t make sense to continue to protect them.
There is no doubt in my mind that all of these comments are coming from the same person; a certain follower of my blog who is no longer willing to make his charges and attacks publicly, and is now acting anonymously, using proxy servers to mask his identity. I admit it is possible that I am wrong, but I don’t think so, as there is no mistaking his style. The degree of his vitriol lately is, frankly, frightening.
Arizona’s U.S. Senator Gabrielle Giffords was shot about the same time I started getting these comments. It was impossible for me not to make some associations about how unhinged people who are prone to irrational acts and who might pose a danger to those they disagree with, sometimes leave hints prior to acting out. I’m not suggesting that these comments rise to that same level of violence, at least not yet, but they do surely qualify as “heated rhetoric” and I do take them seriously enough to put them in the public record.
First is this comment from “U.R. Anidiot” (IP:, dated 1/9/2011:
No, you stupid fuck, Deshong did not make the claims you are lying and saying he did you stupid fucktard. He never wrote “that intravenous vitamin C is more toxic and dangerous than the antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) used to treat “HIV”.” Why do you have to lie? Why not report accurately you lying douchebag!! You’re the fraud. It must really be sad to be you, Jonnie Tumor Neck!! How sad to look like you and to be you!!! It”s probably even more pathetic to be your boyfriend. How disguisting to have to look at you every day!!!!
An hour and a half later, a second comment was posted from “Tumor Neck Asshole”, using the same IP address:
Jon Barney,
How is it that you can sleep at night? The Orthodox Army is onto you and your bullshit posts. Why can’t you be honest and truthful? You’re lies have become so transparent that I am surprised you still attempt such blatant heresy!! You really need to get a grip on your life and on reality in general. Hey, maybe if you could find ANYONE willing to get a grip on your disguisting, teeny, tiny syphillis ridden cock and give you some “release” pehaps you could see clearly to at least admit your reality is marred by your disguisting looks and smell.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Compare those comments to the recent message that I received from J Todd DeShong in another venue:
Again, my little blog is so sad and no one reads it, but it sure has gotten you in an uproar!! Why do you feel the need to get so defensive about my blog? I think it’s because you are so sad and pathetic and have no backbone and NO SELF ESTEEEM, and you are so jealous of me, you can’t help yourself. i.e. YOU HAVE NO WILL POWER AND NO CONTROL OVER YOUR OWN PATHETIC ACTIONS!!
Also, you think continually trying to make problems in my personal life is something a grown up, responsible adult does? YOU NEED MENTAL HELP, BARNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grow the fuck up you loser!! I feel sorry for you Barney, but you have left me no choice. Legal action to follow.
Now, I am no EXPERT AT ANALYZING WRITING STYLES (!!!!!!!!!!), but in addition to ALL CAPS and the excessive use of exclamation points (perhaps a habit he learned from one of his favorite mentors), DeShong is known for using a limited vocabulary to dismiss his critics: “liar”, “sad”, “pathetic”, “douchebag”, and a few other similar words. He loves to use the word “fail” as well. He seems to be fixated on insulting some men by accusing them of having small penises, and he has taken to calling me Barney for some time now.
In a calmer and more sober moment of his life, about 18 hours later, DeShong sent this private message to me:
Also, why are you blatantly lying in this post? I never wrote that IV Vitamin C is more toxic than ARVs. Either you are a liar or you are too stupid to understand and therefore accurately report what I wrote in my blog. I simply highlighted the truth that IV Vitamin C can have many of the same side effects as ARVs. Also, I reported that some of the side effects of IV Vitamin C are different than, as well as worse than, some of the side effects of ARVs.If you are so sure of your position, why do you resort to lying?
Right. When you say it, Todd, it’s “the truth”, but when I say you said it I’m a liar. I get it now. (Note to readers: No, I don’t. I think DeShong makes about as much sense as the little bird that shoots out from the clock and sings “cuckoo… cuckooo” every hour.) I rebutted nearly every side effect that DeShong cited concerning intravenous vitamin C on his blog, but instead of addressing that, he just calls me a stupid liar.
Which makes me wonder what’s next for DeShong after any attorney he might discuss taking legal action against me with laughs him out of the office. My picture on his blog (now defunct, but still archived in various places on the web), with a cross hair target superimposed on it? It isn’t as though DeShong has not made threats of violence to other AIDS dissidents in the past, such as this gem:
I will wipe the floor with you…and then after, winner, ME, gets to fuck the loser, YOU, and blow MY HIV Load up your asshole!!!!
I’ll be sure to let everyone know when I’m served with a subpoena, but I’m not holding my breath. People who have a legitimate legal case, rarely announce their intent to sue before the papers are served. DeShong clearly doesn’t have a case, so his threat is laughable (see reference to attorney above).
Attempting to use the threat of legal action to intimidate, on the other hand, is one of the oldest and lamest tricks in the book. (yawn)
Considering DeShong’s credibility so far, I don’t have much to worry about. So sue me already.
The Army of the AIDS Orthodoxy
Unfortunately, I am a bit more concerned about the “the Orthodox Army” that DeShong… er, I mean Tumor Neck Asshole, refers to. DeShong does keep company with folks like University of Connecticut clinical psychologist Seth Kalichman, fellow sock puppets “Snout” and “PoodleStomper” (I don’t make these names up, I just report them) and others who definitely qualify as defenders of the AIDS orthodoxy and are people who just might have the expertise and ability to manipulate someone with a less-than-stable personality to consider militancy, violence or criminal acts.
I originally drafted this post in January, but chose not to publish it, partly due to feedback I’ve gotten from friends and readers who don’t think I should sink to the level of my critics. Unfortunately, I have since received several more comments from this person, who can only be J Todd DeShong. Ignoring him just seems to increase his hysteria to the point that he is wishing me dead. To those readers who protest that I give too much attention to the little earthworm, please consider that I have patiently waited nearly six months before making this decision. I am very torn about it, but I have come to the conclusion that keeping these threats and obscenities private would be a mistake. I consider my action one of self-defense against an unstable personality who is making threats of violence and death towards me.
Note that the bold emphasis in all comments is mine. The IP addresses are from proxy servers, which are used by trolls to hide their own IP address. DeShong got busted for using computers at his place of employment, Baylor Health Systems, to send messages to me before, so it makes sense that he has learned about this little trick for hiding his identity. I am only including the more egregious comments received below:
J todd Deshong (IP address: wrote 4/22/2011:
Re: A link I never expected—UPDATED
Hi Jonathan,
I have been following your blog and was wondering how your IV Vitamin C is going. Can you give an update? Is your 8 week trial done? Do you feel better? I have been thinking about trying it but don’t really have the money either. I will beg and scrape money together if you say it helped you.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
PhoenixSuns <phoenixsuns@xxx.com> (IP address: wrote 4/29/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
The only thing inconclusive is if you are retarded or just seem retarded from all the coke, crack and other illegal drugs you have done in your life which you admitted to on another post. Also, you admitted to a time in your life when you would have sex with 12 men per week! What a fucking whore!!! Although I bet that is a lie. You are so ugly I doubt there are 12 men in all of KC that are desperate enough to have sex with you.
Jimmycrackcorn <jimmycrackcorn@xxx.com> (IP address: wrote 4/30/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
How about trying some IV Rat Poison?
LovelyLivvy <johnnewton352@xxx.com> (IP address: wrote 5/4/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
What a FAILURE! The “trial”, this blog, your ENTIRE LIFE!! You’re so sick because your horrible, debauched life has manifested as a disgusting sickness. You will only get well when you change your miserable lfe! hahahhaahahaaaaa
It must really suck to have to be YOU and live your pathetic existence.
MarcusVonsant <www.marcusvonsant@xxx.com> (IP address: wrote 5/4/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
Jeez, stop trying to block me and take your medicine like the shit head troll you are.
You’re soul (if you had one) is even uglier than your tumor infected face.
Your life is a fail. hahahahahahhhaahhahahaahaha
JohnBirdieBull <birdiebyebye@xxxxxxx.com> (IP address: wrote 5/7/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
How come no one is commenting on this thread? Is it because it is so stupid and full of obvious lies that people feel sorry for your denial of reality? I mean seriously, “inconclusive”? Just admit this “trial” was a big, Fat FAIL!! Just lke your life
LucyJuicy <lucy.juicy@xxx.com> (IP address: wrote 5/8/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
Your life is a FAIL!! You can not hide from Karma. You are such a loser!! You and Osama Bin Laden have a lot in common….can’t wait until the “kill shot” is part of that commonality!! You are pathetic and sad. I feel sorry for you!
Loserloserloserloser <chump.change@xxx.com> (IP address: wrote 5/11/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
When are you going to write another post? I love your take on reality! hehee Write more about your many failures and put your amazing positive spin on them and turn them into inconclusive successes! FAIL! LOSER!!
Bobbybigbear <big-bear1939@xxxxxxx.com> (IP address: wrote 6/14/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
When are you going to write another informative post? Are you still feeling too tired and sleeping 20 hours per day? It’s been too long since your last post. We miss hearing from you.
Poonysoonymacarooni <soony.poony@xxx.com> (IP address: wrote 6/14/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
Why didn’t you post my inquiry? Too tired?…of lying? INCONCLUSIVE = FAILURE!!!
Your life is INCONCLUSIVE….BIG, FAT FAILURE!!! hahahahaaaa What.A.LOSER!!!!!!
Poonysoonymacarooni <soony.poony@xxx.com> (IP address: 6/14/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
Loser, liar,pathetic!!! Why not beg for more money and do an IV Vitamin C of 1,000,000mg/hour??? That should do it! All it takes is that next thing! Just beg like a dog and someone will give you money. Do you feel bad for stealing money from those suckers that loaned you the money for you INCONCLUSIVE Study. You know, the one that was a FAILURE on all counts but you still called INCONCLUSIVE! Do you think you really fooled anyone but yourself with such bullshit?
Poonysoonymacarooni <soony.poony@xxx.com> (IP address: 6/14/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
Hey loser, are you still living in that awful space with linoleum floors and outdated appliances? God, you are so pathetic!!!! Hey, how long has it been since you have had a man give you a second look? I bet you have to go into the darkest, most disturbing bathhouse to get some drunk fool to fall into your cavernous asshole!!!
You are such a LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait until you meet Karri in HELL!!!!! Although I know your life is already HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaaaaahhhaaaaaa
Poonysoonymacarooni <soony.poony@xxx.com> (IP address: 6/14/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
Have you ever seen America’s Got Talent? Well, you know the absolute worst, most stupid, most inept, useless and WORTHLESS people? Well, they all beat you One Million Fold for those who are more interesting and useful in this world!! Yep, that’s right. The most stupid, useless people on the planet are more deserving of respect and humanity than your stupid, dying, pathetic ass!!! Just die and do the cumulative IQ a favor!! Please! I BEG of you!! Just slit your wrist NOW!!!!!!!!
Poonysoonymacarooni <soony.poony@xxx.com> (IP address: 6/14/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
Hey Jonathan, how is your ALEXA ranking? It’s taken a dive just as your energy level has!! hahahahhaa
Hey, take some Vitamin D intravenously!!! Take about one million times USDA and see how that works. I think that would cure you!
Oh, hell, just write a new post. PLEEEEZZZ all your “fans” are dying for it!!!! hahahhaahahaaaa
Poonysoonymacarooni <soony.poony@xxx.com> (IP address: 6/14/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
Just die. You suck and the world wants you to die (althought 99.99999999999999999999% of the world does not know you exist). But the world will be sooooooooooo much better after you are DEAD!!!!!!!!!
Poonysoonymacarooni <soony.poony@xxx.com> (IP address: 6/14/2011:
Re: IVC experiment results inconclusive
True, Real Advice: Jonathan….
why don’t you listen to this? Why not really take a Real, True assessment of your life?
You’re very sick and can not take a true assessment of your life. Take some HIV Meds that will help you get your life back. Take some meds and let’s talk about your “opportunity”. Get grip on reality and take care of yourself and LIVE and LIVE like you CARE about lifej!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
toxic than ARVs. Either you are a liar or you are too stupid to understand and therefore
accurately report what I wrote in my blog. I simply highlighted the truth that IV Vitamin
C can have many of the same side effects as ARVs. Also, I reported that some of the side
effects of IV Vitamin C are different than, as well as worse than, some of the side
effects of ARVs.Also, why are you blatantly lying in this post? I never wrote that IV Vitamin C is more
toxic than ARVs. Either you are a liar or you are too stupid to understand and therefore
accurately report what I wrote in my blog. I simply highlighted the truth that IV Vitamin
C can have many of the same side effects as ARVs. Also, I reported that some of the side
effects of IV Vitamin C are different than, as well as worse than, some of the side
effects of ARVs.
Comments from anonymous proxies will not be published.
Yikes!!! This poor man really doesn’t have much of a life, does he??? I pity him… His own self-hatred is oozing all over the page. Although, I suppose I would be just as miserable as he is, if I lacked the ability to compose sentences above a first grade level. He is such a PATHETIC UGLY LOSER… AND A BIG FAT FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉
The friends of Jon Barnett are waiting in the wings, sir. So don’t do anything stupid… or, at least, anything more stupid than you’ve already done… Here’s hoping you find something more constructive to do with your time (like something other than badgering sick people, for example). Maybe take a cooking class… or work on your people skills?
Thanks for the support David. Let’s hope that whoever is continuing to
send the hate messages gets a life soon.
This is so sad. And very scary. I understand people disagreeing with people but why would anyone want to shoot down the hopes of another human being like this? This person J Todd DeShong is obviously a very sick (mentallly sick) indiviual. I’m glad you posted these threats, this man needs to be arrested.